Our Patreon is cooking right along, we’re over half way there in less than four days. It’s amazing, you guys are amazing, and everything about this whole situation is amazing. (Well, I mean, the situation that lead to the Patreon is not so amazing, but, whatever, glass half full.) To raise awareness of the whole thing we’ve been doing daily developer profiles of indie developers whose lives we’ve touched in one way or another. It’s easy to look at TouchArcade as the web site when you read while sitting on the toilet to find games to play for the next time you sit on the toilet, but to a lot of people, it’s so much more than that.
Yesterday we heard from Orian Livnat from Liv Games who in a roundabout way tipped his hat in our direction towards for playing part in the chain of events that lead to him meeting his wife. It feels crazy that we could even be partially responsible for something like that, but, that’s just sort of how the butterfly effect works I suppose. I can credit just about everything I have in a professional sense thanks to a series of events kicked off by just randomly meeting someone at a LAN party in the early 00’s, the world is weird like that.
Today we’re hearing from Whitaker Trebella, who you likely know as the developer behind Pivvot ($2.99) or maybe as the musician behind… too many indie games and trailers to really even list.
I’m Whitaker Trebella, of Fixpoint Productions. I’ve now been making iOS games for three years (Polymer ($2.99), Pivvot ($2.99), and Piloteer ($2.99),) and TouchArcade has been a big part of my ability to keep doing what I love.
I’ve been a fan of TouchArcade’s since before I was even making games. It’s always been a trustworthy site to look for game recommendations. I remember when I was making my first game, Polymer, and how nervous I was about whether or not it would succeed. That all changed when TouchArcade posted a review of it. I felt incredibly excited once the review went live, and I believe it really helped kickstart my game development career. Soon after, the game got an Apple feature, which was fantastic.
I believe I’d still be making games [if the site never existed]. However, I think without the initial boost I got from TouchArcade previews and reviews, I would have had a much slower rise to success, and probably lower sales overall as a result. TouchArcade has been a huge help to me and my game studio throughout the years. It is the place to go for iOS previews, reviews, and news. It really needs to be saved!
Be sure to check out Whitaker’s new game, Piloteer which just came out this week. It’s brutally difficult, which is sort of what the App Store is all about these days. (Not even joking on the difficulty, I was close to giving up during the tutorial.) Anyway, if you similarly value TouchArcade’s continued existence…