Sure, you’ve played plenty of games inspired by Super Mario Bros., Mega Man, and Castlevania. But how many games can you say have had a direct influence from Crash Bandicoot? Sony’s PS1-era quasi-mascot had some fantastic games that time hasn’t quite appreciated, and unfortunately the series has kind of died since Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2 ($2.99) came out. Well, Boulder Jack is ready to add to the all-too-short list of games inspired by Crash Bandicoot. This is an auto-runner where players control Pirate Jack, a fellow who looks remarkably like Crash Bandicoot. Well, Pirate Jack is trying to outrun a boulder, and is running into the screen toward the player, like some of the Crash Bandicoot series’ levels. Players will have to move between the three lanes, collecting coins, rolling through gates, jumping over obstacles, and just generally trying to make it as far as possible before getting crushed.
While it certainly looks familiar, an endless runner take on an iconic game sounds intriguing enough, that this could just be worth a download once it releases on Thursday, December 4th. PlaySide’s earlier release Catch the Ark (Free) was a solid game, so there’s reason to anticipate this one. Check out the thread on our forums to chat about the game!