
One Man Left Launching the “Tilty-Tilty Boom Boom Bundle” on Thursday

If you haven’t gotten a chance to play the Tilt to Live series yet, or have only enjoyed free versions without playing the full versions, well, Thanksgiving is going to be a pretty good day for you. Tomorrow, on November 27th, One Man Left is launching the “Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom Bundle," which is by far the best name for a bundle yet. It includes the paid version of the original Tilt to Live ($2.99), Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous ($2.99), and Tilt to Live: Gauntlet’s Revenge ($2.99) in one bundle. The bundle will launch for $4.99, and be available at that price for the rest of the month, before going to $5.99 starting in December.

The bundle doesn’t include any of the games’ DLC or Tilt to Live HD (Free), but this is solely because Apple doesn’t include this functionality in bundles yet. Still, iPad owners get Redonkulous and Gauntlet’s Revenge at a discount, and the iPhone version of the original does work on the iPad, at least. These are all some of the best arena survival games out there, and their tilt controls are as good as could possibly be, so this bundle is well worth checking out for anyone who hasn’t checked out this worthy series yet. The bundle will be available at this link on iTunes starting on November 27th.

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