
‘Infinity Blade III’ Content Updates May Be Over, but a Bug Fix Update is on Its Way

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It’s been just over a month since Epic and Chair released the Kingdom Come update for Infinity Blade III ($6.99), a blockbuster content update and the last major addition to close out the trilogy of games. However, a few bugs snuck their way into the Kingdom Come update, and Chair has announced on the Infinity Blade blog that they’re rectifying those in a 1.4.1 patch which has just been submitted to Apple.

The biggest fix is making sure the Dragoor quest appears for everybody, which it hadn’t been for some people, but Chair also took this opportunity to ask their community what other things they’d like to see fixed and have managed to cram quite a bit into the version 1.4.1 update. The full change log can be found at that blog post if you’re curious about the details. Chair is hoping to have the new update available this week, but it’ll depend on Apple’s approval time. We’ll let you know once it goes live.

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