
‘Junk Jack X’ Receives Huge Summer Update Adding Fishing, a New Planet, and Tons More

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Pixbits’ Junk Jack X ($4.99) is one of those iOS gifts that keeps on giving, and today its newest update has arrived adding all sorts of summer-themed items, an entire new planet, and even the ability to go fishing. The summer items are summer-y things like popsicles and water balloons, as well as some jazzy new outfits like you can see in the screen below. The new planet is Mayan-themed and named Yuca, and it contains 15 new mob types, lots of new blocks and items, and some special Yuca equipment and weapons.


The addition of fishing might be the thing I’m most excited about in this latest Junk Jack X update. Across the entire game you’ll be able to drop lure into any liquid and catch more than 120 different kinds of fish, and then collect and display them in the new Fish Tank furniture. There are also unique lures and fishing poles to discover, and some special fish will even join you as pets and lend a hand during your adventure with their unique abilities. As with any Junk Jack X update, the stuff I’ve described is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s new, so be sure to check out the full change log on Pixbits’ website for all the details.

  • Junk Jack

    Welcome to Junk Jack! It is a 2D sandbox where you can explore, build and survive in randomly generated procedural world…
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