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‘Dawn of the Immortals’ is a Cool Looking 3D MMORPG Soft Launched in Mexico

The iOS MMORPG market is mostly dominated by Gameloft’s Order & Chaos (Free) and a few other titles that all have varying degrees of World of Warcraft-y-ness. Well, a new game popped up on our radar called Dawn of the Immortals by Perfect World Entertainment that is currently soft launched in Mexico and looks pretty sweet. Like most MMO’s, it’s hard to really judge the game until it goes live and gets an active playerbase, but, it’s showing promise so far.

A few people with Mexican iTunes accounts are posting in our forums about the game, oscar123967 offering some great first impressions. It’s free to play, with gems as the IAP currency which in his opinion seems to be more of a pay to progress quicker system rather than pay to win. He’s enjoying the bosses, and mentions that there’s a good amount of dungeons to crawl through. Additionally, if you don’t have a party to play with, the game will pair you up with some AI bots to make it through dungeons.

He also mentions the world isn’t as immersive as Order & Chaos, and the quest lines are quite linear… But, it seems far friendlier on the battery. Either way, the feature list seems neat, particularly when it comes to the pet system with “evolutions and skill customization." I’ll certainly give it a shot whenever the soft launch period is over and it goes worldwide.

If you’ve got a Mexican iTunes account, you can check it out now with the link below.

Mexican iTunes Link: Dawn of the Immortals, Free

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