While super difficult, fast-reaction arcade games are nothing new, it feels like ever since Terry Cavanagh’s Super Hexagon hit the scene the genre has gained prominence, even earning its own classification called “twitch games." Long-time iOS developer Acceleroto has their own brand of twitch game coming up called Unpossible, and it’s absolutely awesome. It feels something like a mix between Impossible Road and Super Hexagon, and sees you barreling down a tube and rotating around its surface to avoid approaching objects. Sounds simple enough on paper, but like its name alludes to, Unpossible is a serious challenge.
Where Unpossible really shines is in its excellent randomly generated levels and silky-smooth framerate. The cool, glowy visuals don’t hurt either. Best of all is that Acceleroto is hoping to cater to a broad audience, offering three different difficulty modes that all feel quite different from each other and even a zen-like free playing mode where you can’t die but can just enjoy the ride or get some practice in. Playing Unpossible is a total rush, and I think both twitch game aficionados and more casual players will find something to love when it launches in the next month or so. Also, if you like the look of Unpossible, you might enjoy checking out some early images and concept art posted on Acceleroto’s blog.