The iOS platform has grown at such an incredible pace during its short lifetime, and mobile hardware has advanced to a point where it rivals dedicated gaming consoles. It’s remarkable. But it also means it’s becoming harder and harder to really bowl people over with fancy visuals. We’ve sort of gotten used to it, you know? However, with the trailer for the upcoming space shooter Star Horizon from developer Tabasco Interactive, I was bowled right over. Check it out for yourself.
Star Horizon is an on-rails game, and really brings to mind another great iOS shooter Arc Squadron (Free). According to a post from Tabasco in the forums, the on-rails decision was made to make sure the game was “more about pure action and not flying around trying to catch the target." I’m down with that. Star Horizon is already submitted to Apple, and Tabasco is optimistic that they’ll be able to release the game on March 20th. It’ll be $3.99 with no IAP, so be on the lookout for it in the next few weeks.