Originally released in 2006, The Shivah has a strangely serious premise in that it revolves around a Rabbi as a main character, exploring themes related to the Jewish faith through adventure game mechanics. As a non-religious person with little exposure to these worlds, I’ve found it to be oddly captivating. The “Kosher Edition" is an updated version with better pixel art that’s more in line with the other titles Wadjet has brought to the App store like Gemini Rue ($4.99).
The Shivah: Kosher Edition will be available in the New Zealand App Store at 7:00 AM Eastern time, before it slowly filters through the various iTunes region and finally appearing for download in the US App Store at 11:00 PM tonight. Stay tuned for links to both download the game, as well as forum links to discuss it with members of the TouchArcade community.