If you’re not into the whole game streaming scene, here’s the gist- You can hit up Twitch.TV, basically any time, day or night, and watch someone (usually at or near the “pro" level) playing… Almost any video game you could imagine. Why so many people seem to prefer watching someone else play video games instead of just playing those games yourself is a bit of a mystery to me, but, I digress. A recent update to the Twitch app (Free) significantly upped the amount of content mobile devices now have access to.

Up from the previous 200, streamers will now have access to 750 different channels. Additionally, if you’d like to delve into the cesspool that is the Twitch chat, you can argue with fellow gamers in a completely redesigned chat interface. Last, but certainly not least, is even more options for streaming quality- Complete with toggles to flip between desktop and mobile optimized streams.
Oh, and if Blizzard games are more your speed, be sure to check out last week’s news about the Blizzard WCS app (Free)