For all the attempts, there still isn’t a great monster training RPG on iPhone or iPad. Callis Projects might be the first studio to accomplish such a thing, if the slick appearance of Zenforms is any indication of content quality. Zenoforms: Protectors is a traditional Pokemon-alike, seemingly sporting a similar story, presentation method, combat system, and structure. Its evolution model seems to be its biggest departure: each pocket monster, or Zenform, has five stages it can hit if enough “skill points" are used.
Here’s some screens:
Our forums have been all over this since the beginning of the year, and that specific thread has a ton of assets to share. The game also has a tremendous web site with even more nitty-gritty. We’re currently contacting Callis to see what’s up, and hey, learn when the game is due to hit iPhone. Stay tuned and check out the game’s media while you wait. Lookin’ good, man.
Are you having GDC 2012 flashbacks, by the way? At the event, we saw another Pokemon-alike going by the name of My! My! Monsters. It has a strikingly similar look to Zenforms, and while the build that we saw was rough, it looks like a real contender in the space, too. It’s interesting see two in-development titles like this jockeying for the same position. We’ll definitely be keeping our eyes on both to see who the real master will be.