Surely you’ve heard of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP [99¢ / $1.99], right? If not, I’m pulling this web site over right now and giving you a lecture on the subject. S&S is a fantastic collaboration between musician Jim Guthrie and artist Craig D. Adams with Capybara Games providing the glue that put the whole project together. It’s a point and click adventure game with some of the best pixel art I’ve seen in my entire life paired with an entirely original soundtrack that combines with the game itself so well that portions of the game flat out gave me chills of awesomeness.
I could get into the plot of the game, but a large part of enjoying it is discovering the game world for yourself. I wrote our review with this in mind, and as such it’s written in layers so you can stop reading when you’re reached your desired comfortable level of spoilers.

Sworcery comes in two flavors. There’s the iPhone only version which is on sale today only for 99¢. Similarly, there’s a universal version for both the iPhone and iPad which is on sale for $1.99 today as well. Personally, I greatly prefer the game on the iPad, but there are some aspects (like rotation for combat) that are better on the iPhone so it doesn’t make a whole lot of difference which device you play it on as long as you play it.
In addition, the soundtrack of the game, Sword & Sworcery LP – The Ballad of the Space Babies is also on sale. It’s a “name your own price" sale, so you can decide to pay a million dollars, the $8.99 that it’s going for on iTunes, zero dollars, or anything in between. It’s really a great piece of work, so if at all possible try not to be one of those people who give nothing (or a penny) for this fantastic album.