Bolt Creative’s Pocket God [99¢] has been a smash hit on our forums since it was released in early 2009. Since then, it’s received 35 individual updates, or episodes, each implementing a new feature or two. The latest episode adds even more customization via DLC packs and the ability to draw double rainbows all the way across the sky. In addition, there’s also a Pocket God Comic [99¢] that chronicles the adventures of the inhabitants of the game’s island.

Soon, Pocket God will be making its biggest leap yet. Bolt will be starting a closed beta for the Facebook version of Pocket God, which is said to lean heavily on various social features like most Facebook games. I can’t wait to give it a spin, as (and I could be alone on this) I’ve had an odd amount of fun playing various Facebook games recently. We don’t have much more details than this right now, but if you’re interested in the game, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep an eye on the Pocket God blog.