
Select Capcom Titles Drop to 99¢ Through the Weekend

Yesterday, developer Capcom announced that  they are having a 99¢ blowout sale on eight of their App Store titles. My personal picks of the bunch are Resident Evil 4 which is a scaled down version of the console title that still retains much of the same content and gameplay, and Dark Void Zero which is an 8-bit “demake" of the console title Dark Void and completely nails the feeling of playing an old NES game (right down to blowing in the cartridge when starting it up). Check over the list, and if there’s something on there you’ve been waiting to pick up now would be a great time to do so.

Resident Evil 4, – $4.99 → 99¢

1942: First Strike, – $1.99 → 99¢

Mega Man II, – $2.99 → 99¢

Dark Void Zero, – $2.99 → 99¢

Cash Cab, – $4.99 → 99¢

Cash Cab: Las Vegas, – $1.99 → 99¢

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? 2010, – $1.99 → 99¢

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2010, – $1.99 → 99¢

The sale is set to last through the coming weekend, so make sure to grab any titles you want before they return to their original prices. As always, you can keep an eye on all the price changes throughout the App Store using AppShopper.com or the recently released AppShopper [Free] app for your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

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