Donut Games has just set three of their premium titles to free during their “Crazy Summer” promotion. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we love Donut Games. The wonderful pixel art graphics and simple game concepts are a perfect fit for iPhone gaming. Their games are hardly ever priced at more than a dollar, so it’s not hard saying that purchasing any of their games is money well spent. However, if you’ve ever been on the fence over grabbing any of these three titles, you have no reason not to now as they’ve gone temporarily free.
Castle Smasher – One of the earliest offerings from Donut Games, Castle Smasher has you launching stones from a catapult towards a castle in an effort to demolish it to the ground. A recent 2.0 update added a tremendous amount of new content to the game, which we detailed in an article last month. If you enjoy something like Angry Birds, then you should surely enjoy Castle Smasher.
Traffic Rush – Traffic Rush is a fairly simple traffic direction game. Cars enter from all sides of the screen moving towards a four way intersection. You must decide when to stop cars and when to speed them through in order to avoid having any collisions. If an accident occurs, it’s game over. The action picks up fairly quickly as more and faster cars start to come, and the game can get incredibly hectic and fun. If you like line drawing games like Harbor Master or Flight Control, but could do without the actual drawing of lines, Traffic Rush should be a great fit.

Cat Physics – A cute physics puzzler that tasks you with directing a ball from one kitty to another. Arrows can be placed about on each level that redirect where your ball will go, allowing you to make your way past the obstacles in it’s path. I’ve seen a pretty overwhelming response to Cat Physics from gamers of all ages, and we loved the game in our review from May. Finding just the perfect placement of the arrows ensures you can maximize your score, and if you like puzzle games Cat Physics is a winner.