Upcoming Games

1Button Announces Upcoming ‘Mr Jump S’ on Our Forums, Along with Interesting ‘Mr Jump’ Trivia

If you’re not hanging out on our upcoming games forum, you should be. It’s a great place to not only find about games looking for beta testers, but also upcoming titles like Mr Jump S. The original Mr Jump (Free) came out in 2015, sort of at the height of the super difficult one button game trend, and was remarkably popular with over 24 million players. More amusing though, is that the game was so difficult only 77% of players even made it to the second level, with only 753 actually ever finishing it.

With those kind of numbers, it’s obvious the game was filled with tons of content that most people never even got to see, which is where the upcoming Mr Jump S comes in. Mr Jump S follows the same basic idea as Mr Jump, but with a smoother difficulty curve so hopefully those 77% of players can see some of the included 54 levels at launch (with more on the way in the future).

Mr. Jump S is due out next Thursday, and like Mr Jump will be free with ads.